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Mr Anthony Skarvelakis is an experienced Licensed Social Worker and Cognitive Scientist with a further qualification in Gestalt Psychotherapy and academic studies in Computer & Informatics Engineering.

Well known for his exceptional interdisciplinary work he has completed 16 years of studies, work, and research experience in the areas that Cognitive Science focuses (Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Social Science, Philosophy, Anthropology).

He has recognized interdisciplinary, scientific, supervised, clinical professional experience, and work in the following areas: Psychotherapy/Psychology; Social Science/Art Therapy-Music Therapy/Philosophy/Anthropology (more than 14 years of work- Professional research-Writing and fieldwork as an Independent Researcher); Computer Engineering-Artificial Intelligence (work in the Titan Company U.S.A, Europe, Middle East).

He is the Author of the book"The Colors of the Sunrise" which is the first volume of a personal series of books with the general title: "The psychotherapy of "Whole", aesthetics, philosophy, humanism and cognitive science" that present his research and approach. His work has reviewed, tested and evaluated from organizations with international action; well reputed institutes and professionals from the clinical and cognitive field (U.S.A, U.K, Europe, etc.); charities that provide psychological services.

Anthony N.Skarvelakis is a member of many professional societies: Cognitive Science Society (CSS), International Computer Science & Engineering (ICSES), Carolinas Group Psychotherapy Society (CGPS), and the Professional Society of Social Workers. His work is acknowledged by eminent and distinguished professionals and professors in Universities in the U.S/Canada and globally.

His approach has participated as a project for funding in the Templeton Foundation, one of the most well known foundations globally and in the U.S that fund research in Social Science and C.S. 

He has been called to participate as a speaker in conferences of global interest for the academia and industry (A.I) and to publish articles in well-known academic journals (by APA and Wiley Psychiatry Research &Clinical Practice, etc.).
US TV hosts have also invited to speak in TV about the job and research.

Anthony Skarvelakis is an author at the Science and Technology Research News: Age of Robots. Often he writes on Medium and gives advanced lectures related to the topics that his research and professional qualification covers.


Ranked on the 1st page of Google SEO image results  for A. I Psychotherapy

Ranked on the 1st page of Google SEO image results  for A. I Psychotherapy
The Colors of the Sunrise Ebook
The Colors of the Sunrise.jpg
The Colors of the Sunrise Blurb Paperback
The Colors of the Sunrise Blurb Paperback: Academic Edition

 Amazon editions

Academic Publishing Paperback

The Colors of the Sunrise Full Color Paperback
The Colors of the Sunrise Cover copy.jpg

Book appointment: Self Help Advice-Consultation

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