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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Skarvelakis

Chomsky's Universal Grammar. Politics, Economics theory, and Anthropological cerebrum studies

Persons that significantly contributed to the global thinking in politics, psychology, and language like Chomsky a Cognitive Scientist and linguist that established the “universal grammar,” give the chance to humanity to acknowledge the importance of critical thought.

Anthony Robbins in his books speaks about motivation and the game about power and money. It is not a random event that Foucault makes also a parallelism between Knowledge and power (Power/Knowledge, 1980).

Considering that the basis of the economics theory and the market today are influenced by information theory, networks, and social science, the application of the AI Psychotherapy model and its theory have the potential to explain the distribution of information in the global area.

Anthropology and the studies of natives conducted by Malinowski and Lévi-Strauss explained that cerebrum and thought in modern societies are evolved toward a different pattern that the “savage thinking” of natives grows. Thus, they concluded that the thought of natives has logic and rationality, even though it is evolved toward other cognitive structures that the developed societies consider as “savage”.

An analysis is available in Chapters 5, 14 of the book “The Colors of the Sunrise”.

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