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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Skarvelakis

How the interface of A.I Psychotherapy and code becomes possible (2)

McCarthy tries to formalize Common Sense in his book, and Mark Colby gives examples of the programs that have the potential to run in a computer, simulating with a precise manner the thought of a client and a therapist, according to specific rules, applying heuristics, and search mechanisms.

Staying identified with truth, reality, and the normal reasoning, in the "Colors of the Sunrise" offered the entire framework of human thought and of its application according to a STRONG AI Model.

The model as it is described in the series gives the cognitive foundation to understand the study of the perceptual information according to the right cognitive schemas. It is not random that McCarthy is committed to logic programming and mentions the tool of the first-order logic, formal language, and modal logic as suitable manners to formalize the patterns of the outer world.

This formalization is proper for every computation of a machine or an automaton. It is proved that LOGIC exists behind the patterns of code, and programming, as their routines generate from the translation of formal language to code, and the grammar, syntax, and semantics, of the formal language.

Photo Paul Frenzel Unsplash

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