As regards your inquiries about your level of familiarization with the research subjects included in the “Colors of the Sunrise,” and if you ‘ll be able to understand the issues analyzed without experience, I cite the following:
The book has been based on the method of popular science books; this means that includes scientific research that it is explained to the public in a language that everyone understands. Also, it includes explanations on all the topics for the readers that they are not familiarized with academic research.
You may notice how much importance is given to the practice with the subjects analyzed; everyone can acquire therapeutic results from the narrative and the digital art therapy project included. You do not need to worry about the clinical terminology. The book additionally focuses on the structure of self-help books. This means that themes related to clinical issues have been designed and interpreted according to the ways that self-help therapy is offered.
Much information about the recommended reading methods you may find in the preview of the book.
Photo credit: cottonbro Pexels